

The Frey Family Foundation, Inc. is a not-for-profit, 503(c)(3) charity organized to support philanthropic activities directed primarily at services for at-risk youth and for public education.


The Foundation delivers this support in the form of direct financial contributions. It does not provide such services. It does not seek outside donations.


Generally, the Foundation selects and vets the charities it supports independently; however, requests for support by bona fide 503(c)(3) organizations will be considered. All funding requests, solicited and unsolicited, must be submitted in accordance with the "Requests for Funding: Submission Guidelines and Procedures" detailed below.


Contact Information

(for other than funding requests)

Please direct any communications relating to the day-to-day operation of the Foundation, including the disposition of approved requests for funding, to Ms Kathleen M. Sampogna using the contact information below.
Frey Family Foundation, Inc.
314 Main Street
Port Jefferson, NY 11777-1679 USA
Voice: +1-631-473-6314
Fax: +1-631-473-6317
Email: Info@FreyFamilyFoundation.org

Requests for Funding:

Submision Guidelines and Procedures

This section is UNDER CONSTRUCTION. Until it is completed, please email Info@FreyFamilyFoundation.org for more information.